Friday 28 December 2012

Bangkok 2012

Happy Holiday - Bangkok 2012 (11 - 17 Dec)

Waited a long time for this trip to happen as we had booked flight at least 6 months ahead..  Booked to travel on Air Asia for the first time and they are flying out from Terminal 1 instead of the usual Budget Terminal (closed down in mid-2012).

Before taking-off

Had the worst ever pain on the right brow area when landing at aiport, I thought my head was about to explode.  Tears just fell all of a sudden, I've never had such tremendous pain before..  When I got back to the hotel, i researched and found out that the condition is called Aero-Sinusities - and yes, it's due to sinus.  I had flu just before flying and didnt know that it could be a sinus infection. 

Typically, sinus barotrauma is preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection or allergy. The affected person suffers a sudden sharp facial pain or headache during descent, which increases as the aircraft approaches ground level. The pain can ultimately become disabling unless the ambient pressure is reversed.
The pressure difference causes the mucosal lining of the sinuses to become swollen and submucosal bleeding follows with further difficulties ventilating the sinus, especially if the orifices are involved. Ultimately fluid or blood will fill the space.

Arriving at the hotel - Somerset Lake Point at Soi Sukumvit


Lunch & Window-Shopping at the new Terminal 21





Dinner at MK Restaurant


Dinner at Chinatown


 Chatuchak Market






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