Wednesday 28 December 2011

Bringing FiFi Home (23 December 2011)

Today is the day we are brining FiFi home.. Dar isnt feeling well so he took medical leave from work.  We took a bus to NEX, it was raining heavily.  When we got there, Fifi was sleeping in a corner, she look bigger today.  When Kat brought her to us and we put her into the carrier, she was quite scared.  She was barking and wanted to get out.  Kat put some doggie biscuits in for her and commented that Fifi is quite a greedy girl.

It was still pouring when we left, waited for taxi at the taxi stand - damn it was long but at least the queue is moving.. Fifi must be so scared in the carrier, the heavy rain, car horning and babies crying... It was noisy.  Boarded a cab and went to Tampines St 11 - The Vet, appointment was for 4.30pm.  Needed to do the 1st medical check within 24 hours from leaving the pet shop.  The Vet said she is very very active and everything is well, her weight - a mere 600gms!! :)

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