Wednesday 28 December 2011

FiFi - 27 December 2011 (Tuesday)

Fifi has been barking quite a lot the past few days but this evening when I got home, she wasn't like her usual self - not like the past couple of days...  Yasmine says she look pretty 'emo' today!! 

She wasn't jumping around when we got home, she wasn't barking her head off like the previous days - a lot less barking...  For a moment, I was worried!  'Is she sick' came to my mind.  I started her on her vitamins on Monday so I thought - did the vitamins do  something to her to make her sick..  Dar was surprised too, he let her out of her playpen and started playing with her..  She seems ok after but a lot less barking.. Well, I should say we are really happy if her barking stays this way - LESS, we can deal with the whining..

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