Monday 12 December 2011

New Addition to the Family

This Toy Poodle is the lastest addition to our family

How did we decide?
12th Dec 2011 (Monday) - Yasmine's 12th Birthday

We left home at about 12pm and headed to Mcdonalds for lunch before heading to Outram for Eldon's Annual medical check-up at MOH.  Decided to bring Yasmine to Bras Basah popular bookstore to get her the full set of Twilight series as her birthday gift.  Found out that Bras Basah do not have it - they directed us to NEX popular instead.  The helpful salesgirl helped me reserve the books so I had to rushed down to NEX..  From Tampines to Outram to City Hall then to NEX.

Upon reaching NEX, first thing we did was to head to Pet Safari!!  I saw what I've been searching for, not 1 but 3!!  Have never seen a Toy Poodle or Yorkshire Terrier except for pics off the internet but now I'm seeing 2 Yorkies (Male & Female) and a Toy Poodle in its cage at Pet Safari!!  I was so excited and so was the kids..  We stood there for a long time admiring them, soon after I went to ask about it's cost.  The Yorkie cost $3k (female) & $3.5k (male) / Toy Poodle $2.9K!!!  Gosh, I was speechless..  I did not know which one I prefer - the Yorkie or the Toy Poodle.

Dar decided to join us at NEX for dinner after work.  After he arrived, we went to Popular to get the Twilight books and a school bag for boy.  Then we brought Dar to Pet Safari to check out the puppies...  Dar looked amazed too... It was just too adorable - the Toy Poodle was the smallest ever puppy I've ever seen.  After asking the counter staff for more info on the dogs, I said to them 'But I can't see the Toy Poodle face' (it's facing away from us, sleeping).  I wanted to show Dar how she looks like.. The guy went straight to it's cage and carried it out.  Asked me to sanatize my hands then asked me to carry her.  I was over-whelmed.. It's been so so long since I carried a puppy.. My heart melted.. What Dar said next shocked me -'Shall we get it??'  I did not expext Dar to say that at all, it's about $3k afterall!!??!!  After considering maybe for a few mins, we placed the deposit.  She was not ready to go home with us as she has not completed her vaccination - need another week..

Next was to get her puppy stuff - cage, bed, pee pad, shampoo, food, vitamins, bottle etc....  OMG, it's so so expensive!!  After getting all the essential stuff, another big hole in pocket $888.30!!!

Dinner - FOOD COURT :) LOL, no more restaurants!!

Dar said it's all fated, why did we end up at NEX??!?!  Who knows?  Seeya pretty gal - next Fri :)

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