Monday 27 February 2012

FiFi's 1st Grooming Session

26th February 2012 (Sunday)

We rode our bicycle and dropped Fifi off at the pet shop around 1ish.  Picked her up at around close to 6pm.  We were all kind of anxious, not sure what to expect given it's Fifi's 1st grooming session.  The groomer said last week that her fur is all tangled up so best to shave everything off.  How will she look without her fur we all wondered!!

When I went to the pet shop and glanced through the glass window to the grooming room - I saw Fifi all shaved and in a cage.  When Shirley tried to bring her out of the cage - she kind of refused.. like stepping back and hiding at the corner.  Not sure if she had a bad experience during grooming..

This is how she looks like now...

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